DeoQuest in the media
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- '7 WAYS TO DO FAITH & FAMILY. A few options for Catholic moms and dads to try with kids next week.' Jerry Windley-Daoust for Peanut Butter & Grace, 2019
- 'Online with Saints: Meet the Saints on social media! New app launched at WYD'. Press Release, January 21, 2019
- 'Arabic and Albanian speaking youth warmly welcome the book Tweeting with GOD, in which no topic is taboo' Press Release, May 17, 2018
- 'God, Social Media and the Youth' CRADIO, May 4, 2018
- 'Tweeting with God – unpacking tradition in a modern way' Rowena Orejana for New Zealand Catholic, April 5, 2018
- 'Engaging in the Year of Youth' Catholic Youth Ministry Perth, 2018
- '5 Ways to Do the New Evangelization with Your Kids' Regina Lordan for Peanut Butter & Grace, 2018
- 'CEE: Father Remery’s farewell message, new role in youth ministry in Luxembourg. He launches the project “Tweeting with God”' SIR Servizio Informazione Religiosa, December 1, 2017
- 'The Break' Fr Roderick Vonhögen for Trideo, July 18, 2017
- 'The New Evangelizers' William Bornhoft for The Word Among Us, July 2016
- 'What might it be like to tweet with God?' Dennis Sadowski for Catholic News Service, July 31, 2016
- 'A Dutch priest shows how to understand God through Twitter' on Rome Reports, April 30, 2016
- 'In person with Dina Marie' on Mater Dei Radio about the Tweeting with GOD Manual, April 13, 2016
- 'Morning Air' on Relevant Radio (interview start at approximately 29:35), March 8, 2016
- 'Confirmation candidates explore Tweeting with GOD' CatholicIreland.net, February 27, 2016
- 'Brentwood: confirmation candidates to explore Tweeting with GOD' Independent Catholic News, February 26, 2016
- 'A Seeking Heart featuring Don Michel Remery' Breadbox Media, December 16, 2015.
- 'Interactive book uses technology to empower youth' Catholic News Service, December 1, 2015
- '"Whoever wants to get to know God is never done learning"' Tweeting with GOD, August 12, 2015
- 'Curious about Christianity? A Review of 'Tweeting with God'' Jane Dudley for Patheos, July 20, 2015
- 'Book Review: Tweeting with God' Leticia Adams for 'The Ramblings of a Crazy Face', July 17, 2015
- 'A Rare Book Generating Real Discussion Between Generations' Elizabeth Scalia for 'The Anchoress' on Patheos, July 16, 2015
- 'Tweeting with GOD: Bold New Evangelization for a New Generation' Kathy Schiffer for 'Seasons of Grace' on Patheos, July 15, 2015
- 'Have you #Tweeted with GOD?' Ian Rutherford for 'Behind the Catholic Counter' on Aquinas and More (open as mp3, interview starts at approximately 09:40, July 13, 2015
- 'YSN Reads: 2015 summer reading list' Meredith Gilles for 'The Catholic Register', July 9, 2015
- 'Book Review: Tweeting with God' Jonathan F. Sullivan for 'Catholic Library World', June, 2015
- 'Book Review: Tweeting with GOD' Jackie Francois-Angel for 'Jackie & Bobby', May, 2015
- 'Tweeting with God Book Review: Putting Our Relationship with God in the Spotlight' Sr Marie Paul Curley for 'Co-Author Your Life with God', May 29, 2015
- 'Tweeting and the New Evangelization: An Interview With Father Michel Remery' Catholic Pulse Staff for Catholic Pulse (News Catholics Need To Know) from The Knights of Columbus, May 29, 2015
- Tweeting with God - a 140 Char Review (Blog Tour) Allison Gringas for 'Reconciled to You' (Rooted in the Grace of God), May 27, 2015
- 'Using Social Media Correctly!' Fr. Robert Carr for 'Faith and Music' on 'Canção Nova', May 23, 2015
- 'On Call' on Relevant Radio (opens as mp3, interview starts at approximately 29:25), May 15, 2015
- Tweeting with God (Fr. Michel Remery) Review from 'The Catholic Book Report', May 14, 2015
- Dutch Priest Says We Should Be "Tweeting" For God, But It Can't Stop There Zoe Romanowsky for 'Aleteia', May 2, 2015
- Tweeting with God: Don’t Judge This Book by Its Cover Fr Matthew P. Schneider, LC for 'Project YM', May, 2015
- What’s UP @ UP + Lorette Lynn Gospel Festival stars named + God questions answered in 140 characters or less John W. Kennedy for 'Faith, Media, and Culture' on Beliefnet, May, 2015
- Review: Tweeting with God Gail Deibler Finke for 'The Catholic Beat', April, 2015
- 'A Closer Look' on Relevant Radio (opens as mp3), April 21, 2015
- 'Book Review: Tweeting with God' Jeff Miller for 'The Happy Catholic’s Bookshelf' on Patheos, April 16, 2015
- 'Currents' on NET TV, April 15, 2015
- 'Well Done Basics: Tweeting With God by Michel Remery' Julie Davis for 'The Happy Catholic’s Bookshelf' on Patheos, April 14, 2015
- 'Morning Air' on Relevant Radio (opens as mp3, interview starts at the 14 minute mark), April 14, 2015
- 'Books Just In: Tweets, Seeds, Encounters, A Way Forward, and a Giveaway' Julie Davis for 'The Happy Catholic’s Bookshelf' on Patheos, April 9, 2015
- Book Marks: New releases on tweeting God, Thomas Merton, and a return Caitlyn Schmid for 'U.S. Catholic', April, 2015
- 'Tweeting with GOD - Interview with Fr. Michel Remery' JP2TV, January 17, 2015
- 'A Faith-Full Life podcast' Adam N. Crawford (review starts at approximately 35:00), December 11, 2014
- 'Vatican Communications, Star Wars and Tweeting with God' SQPN The Break, November 29, 2014
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